
Richmond Shipyard No. 3

Richmond Shipyard No. 3

Richmond Shipyard No. 3 is part of the National Park Service’s Rosie the Riveter / WWII Home Front National Historic...

Ferries in Vigor Dry Docks

Ferries in Vigor Dry Docks

Vigor’s Seattle, Washington shipyard is located on Harbor Island at the mouth of the Duwamish Waterway.

I Spy, With My Little Eye…Mauna Loa

I Spy, With My Little Eye…Mauna Loa

A surprise spotting of Matson’s interisland barge Mauna Loa in dry dock at Vigor’s Portland, Oregon shipyard, which is located...

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Matson’s newest and largest ship, Daniel K. Inouye, arrived in Honolulu Harbor on Wednesday, 28 November 2018. Named in honor...