
Maunawili (2004)

Maunawili (2004)



Turning BigLift Baffin

Turning BigLift Baffin

Two days after BigLift Baffin arrived in Honolulu Harbor with Matson’s new gantry cranes, the ship had to be turned...

Daniel K. Inouye (2018) at Night

Daniel K. Inouye (2018) at Night

Horizon Pacific (1979)

Horizon Pacific (1979)

Yayoi Express Shifting

Yayoi Express Shifting

During the shift from Pier 51A to Pier 30, the tanker Yayoi Express turned in Kapālama Basin before heading down...

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Matson’s newest and largest ship, Daniel K. Inouye, arrived in Honolulu Harbor on Wednesday, 28 November 2018. Named in honor...

Cap Philippe Arrival

Cap Philippe Arrival

There were some tense moments as the Suezmax tanker Cap Philippe was making her way inbound to Honolulu Harbor. Cap Philippe...

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