Diamond Head

Redux: Schooner Lynx (2001)

Redux: Schooner Lynx (2001)

Originally posted on 26 July 2009.* At the time the above photo was taken, Lynx was based in Newport Beach,...

Amerigo Vespucci (1931) Arrival

Amerigo Vespucci (1931) Arrival

After spending some time off the south coast of Maui, the Marina Militare (“Military Navy”—name of the Italian Navy) three-masted,...

Diamond Head at Kewalo Basin

Diamond Head at Kewalo Basin

The charter boat Diamond Head docked at Kewalo Basin in July 1958. The sign lists her regular departure times and...

Hi no Tama at Sea

Hi no Tama at Sea

A story for All Hallows’ Eve… As noted in the 26 March 1904 issue of The Hawaiian Star, Japanese fishermen...

Matson Ocean Liner Passengers in 1959

Matson Ocean Liner Passengers in 1959

At the railing of a Maston passenger liner leaving Honolulu with Diamond Head and a rainbow in the distance, 1959....

Maunawili (2004) Inbound

Maunawili (2004) Inbound

Matson’s Maunawili (IMO 9268538) inbound to Pier 52, Honolulu Harbor. She was assisted by Foss Maritime tugs Pi‘ilani and Mikioi....

BigLift Baffin Offshore

BigLift Baffin Offshore

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Aloha Daniel K. Inouye

Matson’s newest and largest ship, Daniel K. Inouye, arrived in Honolulu Harbor on Wednesday, 28 November 2018. Named in honor...

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