
Miki Hana with Gasco Huki Kai I

Miki Hana with Gasco Huki Kai I

Harbor Kōkua

Harbor Kōkua

DOT Harbors workers were trying to fish a partially submerged tote bag out of the water off Pier 9 (Honolulu...

American Marine Vessels

American Marine Vessels

Time to Move Some Stuff

Time to Move Some Stuff

Space is at a premium at Piers 24 and 25 in Honolulu Harbor. In order to load or unload Pacific...

In Dry Dock

In Dry Dock

Work almost done on Kirby’s Namahoe (tug) and Ne‘ena (barge) in Pacific Shipyards International’s dry dock, Ho‘ōla I Nā Moku at...

Work in Kewalo Basin

Work in Kewalo Basin

Healy Tibbitts Builders is a subsidiary of Weeks Marine.




100 Years Ago – Bringing Coal to Hawai‘i

100 Years Ago – Bringing Coal to Hawai‘i

On account of the shortage of coal in Honolulu, the Rolph Navigation and Coal company [sic] will send the barge...

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