Posts by Maritime Hawai‘i

Lurline and Mokihana

Lurline and Mokihana

Lurline and Mokihana are ConRo vessels owned and operated by Matson.



Eurodam was one of the last cruise ships to visit Hawai‘i before major cruise lines canceled scheduled cruises due to...

Celebrity Millennium

Celebrity Millennium

Celebrity Millennium stopped in Hawai‘i on her way to the US West Coast after her 2020 Asia cruises were canceled...

National Maritime Day 2020

National Maritime Day 2020

May 22 is National Maritime Day in the United States. It was designated as such by the US Congress in...

New Paint

New Paint

Harbor Rain

Harbor Rain

BBC Asia

BBC Asia

BBC Asia is a multi-purpose (MPP), heavy-lift cargo ship that is part of BBC Chartering’s fleet of vessels.

Houston (1985)

Houston (1985)

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