Honolulu Harbor Dredging

Maintenance dredging in various areas of Honolulu Harbor began in February 2021. This project is part of the Civil Works Program of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It is expected to be completed in November 2021.

Honolulu Harbor Dredge Area Map. (USACE)

The purpose of dredging is to remove material that has built up in the harbor over the years. This ensures that the channels and basins are at the required depths for harbor operations. 

clamshell grab

Clamshell grab with material removed from the bottom of the harbor, which will be deposited on to hopper barge KS 10 (background). The tug is Brusco Tug & Barge’s Ocean Eagle (IMO 7047239). 22 May 2021.

According to a fact sheet posted on the USACE website: 

Material to be disposed will be transported via barge directly from the dredged areas in Honolulu Harbor. Disposal method is dependent upon the location the material originates. Disposal will be either to the Environmental Protection Agency’s approved South Oahu Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site or to a permitted upland disposal facility via Kalaeloa Barber’s Point Harbor.

KS 10

Dutra’s split-hull hopper barge KS 10 tied up at Pier 9, Honolulu Harbor. 27 March 2021.

Vessel traffic in and out of the harbor determines when and where work can be done on a given day.

Healy Tibbitts Builders (a subsidiary of Weeks Marine) is the project’s main contractor.

Weeks 544

Crane barge Weeks 544 operating in the area just off the ends of Piers 38 and 39, Honolulu Harbor. 22 May 2021.

The last time Honolulu Harbor was dredged was in 2016.

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