There are a number of reasons why a vessel may have to shift from one berth to another while calling at a harbor.
Pasha Hawaii’s Marjorie C, a regular visitor to Honolulu Harbor, has to shift in order to unload and load her cargo. She is a ConRo vessel, which means she carries both containers and vehicles.
Cranes at Pier 51A on Sand Island are used to handle the containers.
Marjorie C at Pier 51A, Honolulu Harbor. 19 February 2018.
In order to unload and load vehicles, the ship has to shift to Pier 1B/2A. The move requires a harbor pilot and assistance from two tugs.
After leaving Pier 51A, Marjorie C makes her way down Kapālama Channel assisted by Foss Maritime tugs Mikioi and Pi‘ilani (hidden behind the ship). 19 February 2018.
Turning in the basin by Aloha Tower. 19 February 2018.
Approaching Pier 2A. 19 February 2018.
Marjorie C tied up at Pier 2A. The pilot, Captain Ed Enos, has left the ship and is heading back to the pilots’ office at Pier 19 on pilot boat Ahua Point. 19 February 2018.
Marjorie C at Pier 1B. The ramp at her stern is lowered so that vehicles can be driven on and off the ship. 10 January 2017.