ARM Cuauhtémoc Tentative Arrival Information

The Armada de México’s (Mexican Navy) sail training vessel, ARM Cuauhtémoc, off the south coast of O‘ahu. 6 October 2014.
According to, ARM Cuauhtémoc is tentatively scheduled to arrive in Honolulu Harbor on Thursday, 12 October 2017 at 1000 (10:00 am). Her berth is currently listed as Pier 8.
Edit: The berth has changed to Pier 9 from Pier 8. (5 October 2017)
Edit: The arrival time has changed to 0830 on the PortCall site, but it is listed at 0900 on the pilots’ site. If you plan to go to the harbor to see the ship enter the harbor, keep checking the PortCall site for updates. (11 October 2017)